Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hyundai Rescue Squad

Today Mike, Alex, and I made the trek to Rawlins, WY to rescue Dana's car from its Pre-Thanksgiving catastrophic engine failure. Tyr was kind enough to loan us his very stout Tacoma to haul it home.

It'll spend the next couple of weeks at the ICU at Summers Auto, and be back on the road around Christmas.


Alison said...

Glad to see you found a much less expensive way to get the poor Hyundai home. I hope the time in the ICU fixes her!

Carla Mary Stangel said...

I bet Alex had fun with "the guys"!

Auntie Kimmers said...

Since most of my cars have been beaters, I have experienced a multitude of assorted car ailments. From the Blown Headgasget, Exploded Radiator, Expired Clutches (too many of those, probably due to using Mexican rebuilt clutches) and can't forget the Electronic Fuel Pump failure, since that one occured on the freeway. Hey, no wonder I have a heart condition!