Friday, February 26, 2010


We now have a pretty regular Mon-Wed-Fri routine set up. We get up sometime around 6:30, stumble downstairs, and have breakfast - or as Alex says - "breakstist". Today he's having toast with cream cheese, pineapple purée, and your-git (yogurt).

In other news, on Wednesday I sold my recumbent trike for a decent price, and then an hour later sold my table saw. As a result I now almost have control over our tiny 1-car garage again. There are still several miscellaneous boxes floating around, but nothing a few hours on the weekend can't fix. (Oh, and when was the last time I had some free time on a weekend?)

It's been a few weeks since the last post but not much has changed. We all caught and fought another round of colds. It snowed a lot. We went sledding. Etcetera.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fun at Bounce!

Two weekends ago we had quite a lot of fun at Bounce! in Loveland, meeting up with an old friend and a new friend. We met up with Charlotte, who Alex has been playing with for almost a year to learn Chinese, and Sophie, one of Alex's classmates. Charlotte's and Sophie's parents came along too, making it a huge, impromptu party.

Charlotte's Dad Chun-Wei bouncing with the three friends

Sophie's Mom Serena and Sophie's baby sister Emily

Charlotte's Mom Athena exchanging giggles with Genevieve

Sophie's Dad Trevor bouncing with Sophie, Alex, and Charlotte

We hope to be able to do it again soon. The kids were EXHAUSTED! Alex napped for over three hours when we got home.