Monday, May 10, 2010

Going for a stroll

Last night we took a walk around town. Now that the weather is warming up and the sun is setting later, we have been resuming our evening walks. At first Alex was not too enthusiastic -- I'm still not sure why -- but he began to like the idea more last week we let him decide where to go. His perennial favorite destination is the playground at the elementary school a couple of blocks north of our house. But last night it was my turn to choose, and I decided we would walk to the big new roundabout they are constructing downtown.

We brought along the big red wagon, and Alex and Genevieve rode in the wagon together all the way to the roundabout. It was really cute, except that I had to use my belt to secure Genevieve since she was trying mightily to crawl out of the moving wagon!

After we got to the construction site, Alex hopped out and climbed all over the equipment

Alex poses on the Bobcat 630

Genevieve had a good time just sitting and watching her big brother do his big brother thing

Once we were done playing, it was time to head home. But Alex decided HE was going to pull the wagon.

Alex pulled Genevieve the whole way home, with (almost) no help from Mom & Dad!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Potty Training Strategy

Potty training with Alex continues to be a challenge. He makes very, very slow progress.

This week we are adopting a new policy. To bring parity between diaper changes and using the potty, now any time we change Alex's diaper/pull-up pants, we ALSO sit on the potty and wash our hands. So it's actually going to be MORE cumbersome and more of an interruption now for Alex to pee in his pants than to use the potty.

3 year old psychology is tough. I definitely don't have the hang of it yet.