Sunday, December 26, 2010

Scenes from Christmas - Part 1

Despite already being on vacation for the first of two weeks this month, I've barely had time to sit down at a computer.  So I decided to take a moment to post some pictures and video from before, during, and after Christmas.  I have saved up quite a bit so I'll split it up into different posts.  (Also it is getting late tonight)

A couple of weeks ago, Alex's school held their annual Christmas pageant.  Alex's preschool class sang "Jingle Bell Rock" and "I Have a Little Dreidel" (the dreidel song). 

Here is Alex's preschool class and the other preschool class at his school, on stage together.  Alex is second from right in the red plaid shirt.

The quality is not fantastic, but I managed to capture a snippet of the performance


The children were treated to a surprise visit from Santa Claus after the show.  Alex got to sit on the big guy's lap and tell him what he wanted (a take-apart toy Jeep) - and sure enough, he was a good boy and Santa brought him one!

Speaking of school, just before Christmas we finally got Alex's school pictures back from early this Fall.  Here are a couple of cute ones

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas in Colorado

This one photograph pretty much sums it up:

It is 50 F, sunny, and calm. We are gearing up to grill a big fat goose on the BBQ and enjoy a sunny day outside.

More to follow...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our Creative Little People

Genevieve loves to sing.  Her favorite song - her theme song - is a mix between Frère Jacques and "moo moo moo".  Dana managed to capture it on video.


Alex is an accomplished artist.  Last night he sat down on the sofa with the iPhone and helped us draw this picture of the mountains:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

December Weekend Outings

On Saturday morning, Alex's school held a parent's shopping day, watching the kids to allow the parents a few hours to shop in peace and quiet.  Both Genevieve and Alex went to school.  Alex got to spend the morning with his old teacher Ms. Catrinna, and Genevieve got to try out "big kid school" with Ms. Evelyn.  She liked it!

Then we decided to head down to the Children's Museum of Denver for the afternoon.

Alex and I worked on part of an enormous wooden train set

Could it be? Genevieve the fire fighter?

Alex and Genevieve had fun playing in the kid-size Whole Foods mock-up

Both of our kids are natural dancers.  They loved the dance floor and the props

Could it be?  Alex the scientist?

The bubble exhibit was a huge hit.  And since we were there late in the afternoon we had the place to ourselves!

Alex practices making HUGE bubbles

After the museum, our plan was to head downtown to look for some ice cream.  However we realized only after we reached downtown that it was the night of the annual Christmas parade.  There was NO parking to be found whatsoever within 10+ blocks of downtown since the parade was starting in less than an hour!  Much as we would have liked to stay to watch the parade, in our haste leaving the house earlier we had not packed any warm coats, and it was starting to get very chilly.

So instead we headed north to see where Dana's new office is likely to be.  We also found an awesome Mexican restaurant across the street, Laguna's, that may become a new favorite.  Finally, after dinner we finally got our ice cream.  There was a Dairy Queen in the same shopping center!

Today was quite a bit more relaxed than yesterday.  We barely left the house, but still managed to have fun.  It was finally time to rake up the last of the leaves in the back yard.  I was actually busy working on plans for replacing one of our kitchen cabinets while Dana and Alex headed outside.  By the time Genevieve woke up from her nap and she and I headed outside, A & D were already knee-deep in leaves - literally!

Alex mid-jump into the big pile

Alex really wanted to help Genevieve get into the wagon.  G was not as sure

Dana pulls the leaf train!