Sunday, August 4, 2013

Artichoke House!

At long last our house has been repainted!

When we moved in to our home at the beginning of 2011, we already knew the original paint was not in the greatest shape. Over the ensuing 2 1/2 years, the problem grew progressively worse, and we began budgeting for a thorough re-painting. This summer the time was finally right.  It turned out that all the other neighbors on our alley whose houses were built around the same time as ours had the same problems with their paint, so a bunch of us got together to do a "package deal" with a painter in town. It worked out beautifully!

At the same time, we took the opportunity to slightly change the color.  The original body color was a very brownish green called "Pitch Pine" (part of the Historic Colors of America palette).  Over the years that color had faded considerably, so that in many places it was a medium grey-green.  We decided to try a color not on the HCA palette.  It's Sherwin-Williams "Artichoke" which is a greener green.  (Note: Colors aren't really my "thing").  Meanwhile we kept the trim, punch, and door colors the same as their originals -- Yarmouth Oyster, Sandy Bluff, and Sayward Pine, respectively.

Here's the front (South) face of the house:

Here's the south-west corner..

The west side:

The North side..

And the east side:

We're very happy the colors, and the very thorough job the painters did.  Here's to (at least) another 10 years!

1 comment:

Auntie Kimmers said...

I like it! Looks very nice.