Monday, January 9, 2012

After the Holidays

The holidays are over. We've disposed of the tree. Alex helped to vacuum.

We bought a TV and hooked it up to the Mac to watch videos. It's easy to see how the TV can become a babysitter. Have to be careful not to let that happen.

We are back at work, everyone back to their usual routine. We are looking forward to finding out which schools in the Poudre School District Alex will get into for next Fall. It's hard to believe his first day of Kindergarten is just 8 months away!


Auntie Kimmers said...

They grow up so fast - before you know it, they will be leaving for college!!!!

Alison said...

Is that a bike helmet Mr. Alex is wearing? One can never be too careful when vacuuming!

Carla Mary Stangel said...

I cannot believe he will be 5 in 2 months!

Anonymous said...

Alex is so helpful, can he stay with me awhile?
Aunti Regina

Auntie Kimmers said...

Alex, safety first when vacuuming!

Carla Mary Stangel said...

Kudos to you and Dana for recognizing that TV can be the "plug in drug".