Friday, October 8, 2010


Today was Alex's last day in Early Preschool.

Alex's empty cubby in EPS

On Monday he starts in Preschool. He even gets a brand-new backpack (which is good, since his old one was falling apart -I'id already mended it once)

And he has now pooped in the potty TWICE IN A ROW - most recently this evening after dinner.

I never imagined that I could take such tremendous joy and satisfaction from such ordinary bodily functions.

Meanwhile my big project at work FINALLY released to production yesterday. Everything's coming up Milhouse!


Auntie Kimmers said...

Oh dear, I don't know it it's the news that Alex went potty (#2) on his own 2x in a row or that empty cubby but I've got tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. Kids grow up so fast!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG - too sneaks up on you just like taking a number 2!
Auntie Reg

Carla Mary Stangel said...

I'm so proud of Alex!

Alison said...

Congratulations, Mr. Alex!
New cars and trucks all around?!