Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Busy Labor Day

Uncle Richard, Aunt Sarah, and cousins Alex and Zach came for a visit two weekends ago. Then last week we all flew out to San Diego for a few days of sun, surf, and Grandma Susan and Grandpa Herb.

Alex and his cousin Miss Alex (5) got along famously. They ran around and played like they'd been doing it all along.

Meanwhile Zach and Genevieve had fun toddling around with each other and trying to keep up with the older kids.

Alex and Alex, or "Double A" as Sarah coined it, have matching cups...

Double A bounce at Evan & Julia's place in Pinewood Springs...

...with Uncle Richard...

Our first dinner together at Susan and Herb's was a ZOO!

I spent the week working on site at the plant in Rancho Bernardo while Dana had the week off with the kids. On Friday evening we met up at the beach.

We spent a morning at Seaport Village where the kids rode the 1895 carousel

Finally it was time to fly home...

I'll try to round up more photos soon.


Alison said...

I LOVE that last photo - I'm so glad the cousins hit it off!

Carla Mary Stangel said...

It looks like it was so much fun!

Carla Mary Stangel said...

Ha ha! Double A, as in the Energizer Bunny? Keeps going and going . . .