Saturday, June 12, 2010

June Updates

It's been awhile, and much is going on. We finished resurfacing the walls in Alex's room (thanks for paint scraping Ali & wallpapering, Grandma Carla!!! and he moved back in on Tuesday night. It really helps his bedtime routine to not be sleeping in the same room as his toys.

Alex has been rockin' the shades lately. Elton John has got nothing on this kid:

We had a second opinion on Alex's throat and 2 of 3 physicians agree, his adenoids are too big and blocking his airway. So he might have them removed this year. We are trying a nasal spray for a few weeks to verify this diagnosis.

Alex was a champ at the doctors visit. He didn't even complain when the scope went up his nose.

Dana continues her bar prep. The kids and I are flying to Utah for a week at the end of June to give her a few days of uninterrupted studying, and to see Auntoh Ali and Unc Eric's new house.

Oh and I should mention that Dana graduated last month! And I will post more pics of G shortly.


Carla Mary Stangel said...

I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

Auntie Kimmers said...

Well said Grandma Carla! I have been in love with Elton John since I was 15. Doesn't matter that he is aging, gay and married. Still love the man. Saw him in concert about 12 years ago, best concert EVER! Gotta say Alex rocks the Elton John shades!

Carla Mary Stangel said...

Auntie K, I KNEW, you of all people, would love this picture of Alex! I think Alex is actually channeling EJ.