We now have a pretty regular Mon-Wed-Fri routine set up. We get up sometime around 6:30, stumble downstairs, and have breakfast - or as Alex says - "breakstist". Today he's having toast with cream cheese, pineapple purée, and your-git (yogurt).
In other news, on Wednesday I sold my recumbent trike for a decent price, and then an hour later sold my table saw. As a result I now almost have control over our tiny 1-car garage again. There are still several miscellaneous boxes floating around, but nothing a few hours on the weekend can't fix. (Oh, and when was the last time I had some free time on a weekend?)
It's been a few weeks since the last post but not much has changed. We all caught and fought another round of colds. It snowed a lot. We went sledding. Etcetera.
Sounds like a fairly normal schedule for two kids under 3, one parent in law school and one parent working! Surviving and thriving?
What a handsome looking fellow at the breakstist table! Sounds like life is busy. Just remember, in a few years these will be regarded as "the good old days"! Celebrate the moments because life is sweet and kids grow up waaaaaay too fast.
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