Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Genevieve at the Eye Doctor

Genevieve saw the eye doctor today. Her cataracts are not growing, so far. The doctor still believes there is not a case for surgery. He told us the same cataracts in an adult would result in 20/30 or 20/40 vision. As somebody with far worse vision than that, I think it sounds pretty good. She may lose the very fine detail of 20/20 vision if left untreated, but we could elect to treat them anytime in the next 5-8 years and still probably improve her to 20/20.

So the verdict is "Wait and see." We don't expect the cataracts will get any worse, but it's a good idea to keep checking them every few months until she's at least old enough to tell us what she can see.

She'll "see" Dr. Arnold again in April. (And next time, no dilating!)

Meanwhile we are starting up the Spring 2010 semester. This will be Dana's last of law school! She is taking two classes, and an internship (for credit) with a District Court judge in Denver. Graduation is at the end of May. Then it's bar exam time in July. Babysitter volunteers are now being recruited!

Our dryer conked out last week. I took the control panel apart and concluded that it was the $100 electronic timer that had broken. So being the resourceful person I am, I ordered a replacement online overnight. Turns out that wasn't the problem. In fact it was a $10 thermal fuse that blew because the dryer vent was clogged due to an "embolism" - essentially the double-wall of the dryer vent failed and "imploded," blocking the vent. Fortunately the dryer did exactly what it is supposed to do, and failed gracefully instead of killing us all with exhaust gas or catching on fire from overheating. Nice work, Maytag! Now we can continue warming up Alex's jammies in the dryer after his bath. (The little prince prefers his clothes to be pre-heated)


Carla Mary Stangel said...

Thanks for the update on Genevieve's cataracts! Whew. Cute picture!

Auntie Kimmers said...

Hey kid, how about trying out the great aunties for a babysitting gig around the end of May? Reg and I have been kicking around the idea of "popping by" for a visit and we would love to meet Genevieve, not to mention renew our ties with Alex!

Anonymous said...

Are you serious about needing babysitters? pick me, pick me, pick me. First come, first serve right? And since your blog is the best official documentation.
This is your official sign up list:
(let us know the dates so we can book around them)
1- Auntie Reg (uh um, the good auntie)
2- Auntie Kimmers

Auntie Kimmers said...

Reg! I posted first!!!!! Pick me pick me pick me - I'm The Real Good Auntie!!!!