Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sleeping in the Crib

As of last night Genevieve is sleeping in the crib.

She has taken to it quite gracefully. We also started swaddling her again after several weeks, which has helped tremendously.

It is a little sad for us to see her go. We really enjoy the snuggly infant stage. Although she's not done with it entirely just yet, this is most assuredly a step toward toddlerhood.

She was kind of a bed hog. She sleeps with her arms outstretched to either side of her, and occasionally flaps them around.

Today we had quite a big snowstorm. Up in Fort Collins they recorded 8 inches. We didn't get quite that much, but pretty close. The Christmas in Berthoud charity program held a $6 all-you-can-eat breakfast at the Community Center so we dug out the car and drove the 8 blocks there.

Afterwards we FINALLY connected with our neighbors 2 doors down who have a daughter Maybe and son Rip who are almost exactly Alex's and Genevieve's ages, respectively. We caravanned up to Bounce! and let Alex and Maybe burn off a few thousand calories before nap time while the adults got to know each other better. It was only when we were leaving that I remembered I was going to invite Stormy and her son the next time we went - sorry guys, hope you didn't have cabin fever!

Alex and Maybe


Anonymous said...

Let us know the next time you go to Bounce! We were going to go cut a Christmas tree but aborted the plan after breakfast as it was kind of chilly. We're going to try again on Saturday if you want to join us ...

Alison said...

God bless that bounce house. Such a good workout for all!

Your post answers my question: we will set up the crib for Ms. Genevieve. Do you want her down in your room or upstairs with Alex or somewhere else?
What a little sweetie!