Monday, July 27, 2009

All's Well

Nothing new to report here. Genevieve continues to be a sleepapotamus. She sleeps and eats, eats and sleeps. She makes cute little squeaks and squeals sometimes. She lets her Daddy pet her preposterously soft hair. She squeezes her eyes shut in bright light even on the rare occasions when she's wide awake, so one must wait for evening to gaze into her eyes. She is fond of holding one or both arms above her head in an inspiring pose, as if to shout out, "Yes! I am a baby girl! Hooray for me!"

I can't wait to get to know her better.

Meanwhile all of my waking moments this week and last have been filled with catching up at work, and working on getting the rental property ready for the new school year's lessees. Painting, cleaning, replacing things, re-landscaping, etc....

Auntoh Ali is planning to come out on Wedneaday for a visit. Alex is jazzed.


Carla said...

She is beautiful!


Carla said...

I looked at her again, she is so pretty!

Verva said...

I am SO glad you posted a bunch of photos. You should have seen your Mom at the cabin the day baby G was born -- Carla kept running upstairs to see if there were pictures. I'll bet she made a dozen trips. Too cute. Genevieve is beautiful indeed.