Thursday, June 25, 2009

The coolest car ever


Yesterday at work I was stunned to see this car in the parking lot right in front of my building. I have no idea who owns it, but clearly they share the same love of the movie "Cars" as Alex. Never before has a '97 Geo Metro looked so good!


Auntie Kimmers said...

I dunno, the coolest car I saw on my lunch hour in downtown Portland was a '52 bug. It was so cute, I had to take a picture of it. I tried to paste it in my comment but it won't work. Oh well, take my word for it, a '52 vw bug is very cute.

Carla said...

Gasp! A real Lighting McQueen car!!

Carla said...

I can't even imagine Alex's response to seeing that car in Daddee's parking lot! Probably no words for about 1/2 hour, and then an endless stream of comments!!

Anonymous said...

hmmmm, I guess I'd better break down and watch "cars"!
A Metro you say?
auntie Regina