Getting Ready for Halloween
This past weekend Alex started getting ready for his second Halloween.
The first thing we had to do was acquire some pumpkins, and carve them out. We had a small pie pumpkin that Dana bought last week. Alex was curious about it, especially when he learned how to say "pom-keh". But he became even more interested once I drew a face on it with a Sharpie and made it talk to him.
But imagine Alex's surprise when we got two HUGE pumpkins and proceeded to cut their heads open and scoop out their brains! I've never seen Alex so shocked in his life! He just stood there for a few minutes watching me butcher this poor, innocent squash. When I held out a handful of stringy orange goo for him to inspect, he backed away in horror.
After a few minutes of watching Mommy and Daddy go to town on a couple of gourds, though, Alex figured out the game, and had a great time helping to scoop out the pumpkin and telling us where to cut out the nose, eyes, and mouth.
The Corn Maze
Alex and Dana liked the alpacas. We also saw sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens and ducks.
Trains seemed to be a consistent theme:
Here's a video of Alex and Daddy riding on the (extraordinarily uncomfortable) bucket train at the fall festival at Andersen Farms in Erie.
Alex and Dana...
Alex and Daddy go to the big Berthoud calendar fly-in!
A couple of weeks ago the Berthoud Historical Society had their annual calendar fly-in event. Every year they print calendars featuring historic photos of Berthoud, and they're delivered to a nearby farm by some amazing, beautiful historic biplanes.
We also got quite a show as the planes all took off after an hour or so. They each motored down a startlingly short mown grass runway, and somehow magically pulled up at the very last minute to take to the sky.
Of course, before we left, Alex had to check out the ENORMOUS John Deere combine parked in the middle of the courtyard. It's identical to one in his Richard Scarry book!
Alex has been growing so fast lately. He seems to pick up new words every day. We are constantly amazed. He has started counting. We can say to him, "One... two... " and he will say "Fwreee!!" He seems to have a grasp of numbers from 1 to 10. Although I don't expect he could put them together on his own, he's able to follow along and I think he knows what they are for.
He can drink out of a regular cup, with supervision. Usually he spills a little on his shirt or pants, but hey, don't we all?
It's becoming less and less of a mystery what he's saying, what he wants. He can ask for specific items. He can tell us what's wrong (sometimes) if he's upset. He points out things he likes -- cars, trucks, big scooping excavators. (The town of Berthoud is completely rebuilding Mountain Avenue this fall, so there are a lot of bulldozers and excavators and road graders around to look at)
We've been singing and playing the guitar more (he calls it the "ghee-car") He is learning how to swim with Ryanne twice a week. When we take baths now, he practices kicking his legs and blowing bubbles. He's still not crazy about getting his head wet, so we use parts of his saxomaflute as a straw to blow bubbles through.
Alex has a delightful personality. He is a constant joy. I never thought kids would be this much fun, this engaging and entertaining. Every day he does something that makes me and Dana laugh. We laugh a lot. It's better than any TV show, any movie, anything I've ever experienced.
I'll close by asking you one small favor: Please go vote! It matters a lot who and what you vote for, and maybe you already know from reading this blog what our feelings are, but it's more important still to understand the issues and candidates and register your choice.
Also, forgot to mention Alex got his second hair cut yesterday (Monday). Nobody was very happy with the results, except possibly for me & Alex, who really don't care. The Fantastic Sam's on Harmony definitely gets low marks from Dana and Ryanne. The good news is, it grows back quickly!
Thank you for the delightful post! Alex really is a delightful little guy.
SF Grandma Carla
Can't say it enough, but enjoy these days -- they are the best of times! You have a wonderful, sweet and the cutest little boy EVER! As for voting, I agree. Vote, even if you have to stand in line and wait to vote. C'mon it's important! Fortunately in Oregon, we get to mail our ballots in. Mine was posted last week, right after I received it. No debates here, I knew exactly who and what I wanted.
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