Thursday, September 18, 2008

San Diego

The weekend before last we took a last-minute trip out to San Diego to visit Dana's Mom. Our once-favorite airline, Frontier, made a dramatic change to their frequent-flier program which would render about 25% of our miles useless, so we decided to put them to good use instead.
We had a delightful time with Susan and Herb, including walks on the beach, visiting with Dana's Aunt Leslie and Uncle Shimshon, an afternoon at the pool with Dana's friends Martha & Jeff and their delightful daughter Veronica, outstanding food, and even a rare "date night" thanks to Susan and Herb's generous babysitting.

Alex had a mysterious and inexplicable fever throughout most of our trip, one night, much to our alarm, topping out above 104F. He had no other symptoms, and as long as we kept him on Tylenol or Motrin, he had no fever at all, and was happy as a clam. By the time we got back to Denver he was feeling fine.

Since we returned from the coast, it has been a busy few weeks -- hence the rather infrequent blog postings here. Dana has a full class schedule, taking both day and evening classes Monday-Thursday, working about 15 hours a week at a reputable Denver Intellectual Property firm, and then one more class Saturday mornings, just for good measure.

Meanwhile Ryanne is taking a biology class in the evenings, and Dan is taking a "Citizen's Academy" class from the Larimer County Sherrif's Office. We had to sit down with a piece of graph paper and work out a weekly schedule so we could figure out when Dan, Dana and Ryanne could each watch Alex. It is rather complex.

Now for some more cute photos -- Alex eating big macaroni pasta for dinner this week:


Carla said...

Wonderful pictures! I see Herb knows how to play horsey!


Auntie Kimberly said...

Jeepers! This makes me appreciate what my mom and dad had to do to make schedules work with four kids and two working parents! Who would have thought!!!! CUTE photos, please keep blogging, I love your stories of life with a baby and the photos!