Saturday, July 5, 2008

A couple of days in the life

I thought it would be fun to follow Alex around for a couple of days and see what he's up to. The Independence Day holiday provided a good opportunity.

Here's Alex enjoying breakfast (fruit salad and milk) on Friday

Yesterday we walked all around Frisco to enjoy the 4th of July festivities. The town hosted a 4th of July parade along Main Street, as well as food, music and games at the Marina.
We stopped for dinner at the Islands Grill at the marina

Alex gettin' down?

Later they put on a terrific fireworks show over Lake Dillon. Our townhouse is situated very near to, and overlooking, the small peninsula where the fireworks were launched. The view from our deck upstairs was phenomenal.

Alex thoroughly enjoyed the fireworks show, which started at 9:30pm and lasted for about 20 minutes.

After the show, the best part was NOT having to deal with Frisco traffic!
Frisco, Colorado or New York City?

This morning we woke up early, around 6am, and packed up the canoe for a little paddling on Lake Dillon. We bought Alex an infant/child Type II PFD to wear, and it seems to fit him pretty well. As if he wanted to try it out, almost immediately after we pushed off from the dock this morning, he climbed over the edge and dove into the lake head first! We were all startled, but Alex was by far the most surprised (and upset!) He had a hard time waking up before we left, but he was wide awake after that. Not to worry, Dana had ahold of him and yanked him out within seconds, but he certainly wasn't expecting WATER on the other side of that canoe! Sorry we forgot to bring the camera along for that outing, but next time we'll take it.

After a clear and sunny morning, it clouded up and a nice big fat Rocky Mountain thunderstorm rolled in this afternoon. Alex and Dana took a nap while I sat on the deck, drank a beer, and played guitar. When Alex and Dana woke up we headed for the grocery store in Silverthorne

What better way to spend a dark, wet evening than at the grocery store?

Oooh, mysterious!

Look at all these vegetables, Dad! Can you believe this?

Alexander, your green grocer

You mean this stuff comes in CHOCOLATE?!?

On the way back from the store just now, Dana captured an adorable video clip of Alex making his cute little squeaking sounds. He occasionally has a little conversation with himself in the back seat.

1 comment:

Auntie Kimberly said...

Alex is so adorable! And I'd buy fruit and veggies any day from Alex, The Green Grocer!