Monday, May 26, 2008

We're Still Here

Stomach flu, tornadoes, horribly messy rental houses, and a hectic end to the law school semester can't keep us down. But they can keep us from blogging.

Sick Alex being fed popsicle pieces by Ry-Ry

A couple of weeks ago Alex came down with a stomach bug. He got sick, then Ryanne, then Dana, then Dan. Meanwhile Dana had final exams: two tests and a 25-page paper. Our last tenants moved out and left quite a project for us to work on. We had to remodel, paint, or clean most of our house near CSU before our new tenants moved in.

In the midst of all this, a serious tornado touched down in Windsor, Colorado, just a few miles east of us. It destroyed several neighborhoods and killed one. Fortunately everybody we know in Windsor is OK.

Alex making an attempt at climbing onto his toy box. He eventually got it, but not on video.

Yesterday morning, Alex said "nose" and pointed to his nose, perhaps his first "real" word. He's been reliably saying "Ma ma ma ma ma" to Dana, and occasionally "Da da da da" to Dan. He also is signing a few important words, including "milk" (squeezing his fist like he's milking a cow), "more" (touching his fingers together), and he waves "bye". We're working on "please" now (rubbing his chest), and "cracker" (tapping his elbow).

He loves fruit! He eats 7-8 strawberries at a time, and he loves cherries too, and apricots.

1 comment:

Carla said...

Hang in there kids! Dana, you did it again! You are an amazing woman , mother and wife. Dan, I'm so proud of what a great husband and father you are. Take care of each other, and yourselves.

Alex's grumbling about not being able to actually climb INTO the toy box is so cute. I actually have a picture somewhere of his daddy sitting IN his (Daniel's) toybox!

Thank you, Ryanne for taking such good care of Alex! God bless!

SF G'ma Carla