Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The (end of the) Year In Review 2007

Alex tries to figure out what to do with his Christmas orange (he put it in his mouth, of course!)

What a spectacular finish to an unforgettable year! We got back from San Francisco late, late, late on Sunday night. We really lived it up on New Year's Eve, staying up all the way 'til 9:30pm or so, then sleeping in until well past 9am. It was heavenly. Even Alex humored us a bit and slept in, with only a little face pulling and happy pterodactyl screeching here and there.

This afternoon our friends Robin and Anne invited us and a couple dozen other friends up to their ridge top home for an Indian feast. Dana and I helped cook the Lima bean thing. It was delicious.

There's so much to relate about our wonderful visit to the Bay Area, but given how late it is tonight I think I may withhold some of the details until a later posting.


Mel always did like younger men

Alex and Alex and Dan

Kyra and Anthony wonder, "Would we ever really want one of these?"

Alex really enjoyed splashing in Bangor's (the big orange dog) water dish

Huge Christmas eve-eve dinner party with Carla, Sam, Grove, Maryo, Ali, Grandma Jane, Todd, Jessica, Gene, Bangor, Dana, Alex, Dad, Eric, Maryo and Jean


Anonymous said...

Aunties Kimmer and Regina are so envious. Looks like a delightful time in the Bay area, right up our alleys.

Gosh, what happened to Alex? You may not realize this, but he is growing up....he looked abit like your uncle Mike in his baby pictures. Amazing.

Looking forward to 2008, don't be surprised if you find a couple of aunties on your doorstep one day!

auntie regina

Carla said...

I enjoyed my family over the holidays. However, I'm resting up now. I need to get in shape for the next visit with Alex - he's a very fast crawler!