Monday, October 15, 2007

Uncles and Aunts and Grandparents, Oh My!

"Come in to my strange little world..."

Michael, Dan, Dana, Alex S., Michael W., Alex L., Sarah, Richard and Moira (left to right)

Dan, Dana, Alex S., Michael W., Moira, Michael, Richard, Alex L. and Sarah

Many of you who don't know him might think based on these photos alone that my brother-in-law Richard does not smile. In fact he is a charming young man who is quick with a grin. To prove this, here is evidence:

One and a half...

Two and a half smiles!

This weekend's trip to Virginia was a treat. We flew from Denver to Atlanta to Washington, D.C. on Friday, after a bit of a struggle (It turns out you have to check bags at least 45 minutes before the flight!) We stayed the weekend with Michael and Moira, and ducked off to Lexington on Saturday afternoon for the wedding of my friends Jim and Pemma. After a lazy Sunday with Dana's Dad & family, we returned home Sunday night via Denver.

Grandma Moira with Alex L and Alex S

In this posting I'll make up for my last few image-deficient entries, because we used up a lot of digital film!

Alex and Alex getting to know each other on Saturday night

Uncle Richard helping out with Alex & Alex

They aren't sure about this "kissing" thing...

Alex was a very agreeable traveling companion these, the 3rd and 4th flights of his life. He spent much of the time playing and laughing with us, while of course enjoying his complimentary in-flight beverage service

On both the trip out and back we had an empty seat between us, so Alex had plenty of room to stretch out and take a nap.

Don't get used to this kind of air service, kid.


Carla said...

These are precious pictures! It looks like the Alex's got along just great!

Dan Stangel said...


Before I forget to remember to say THANKS, let me do so here - a huge thanks to Ryan and Heather and Kim and Tom for helping us on our way out to DC.

We actually missed our first flight from DEN to ATL, thanks to a stack up of bad circumstances and bad time management. AirTran told us that the rest of the flights from ATL to Baltimore or DC were pretty full and we might not get one on standby.

Fearing a sleepless night at the Atlanta airport, I tried getting ahold of my old high school chum Kim. She's a PhD candidate in Atlanta. Very smart. I didn't have her number, but my other old high school chum, Ryan, did. Ryan's a postdoc. He was able to email her my #. She called me immediately and offered us a place to stay and a hot meal. Wow.

Well as you saw above, we didn't end up staying in Atlanta, which is too bad, because I haven't seen Kim since Ryan and Heather's wedding, and I've never met Tom at all. So we're going to have to arrange to miss another flight to DC via Atlanta so we can stop in and see them for real.