Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Alex's First Bath

On Saturday afternoon, we gave Alex his very first bath. We thought his hair was starting to get a little bit stinky, but maybe it's just baby smell. Anyway, now he smells like baby shampoo, which is ok too.

He seemed to like the bath a lot until the very end, when he started to get a little fussy. As soon as he was dried off and re-diapered, everything was fine again.

Sorry about not posting to the blog for the last couple of weeks. Once I started the work week in Beijing I was completely swamped for the rest of the trip. After returning home, it took me just about a week to recover from the jet lag coming back from Beijing,

So now I'm back and will make a concerted effort to make regular updates once again.


Auntie Kimberly said...

Alex is the cutest baby EVER! I think I can speak for everyone, we really missed your blog, Dan and Dana! Glad to see you are back!

Anonymous said...

Auntie Regina concurs, we missed you sweeties!!!!
Being a dog mom, stinkie is okay, but sweet smelling is nice too