Saturday, March 3, 2007

Alexander William Stangel

Alex was born at 12:27am on Saturday March 3. He is 6 lbs 5 oz and 19 inches long. He has healthy lungs, and has already figured out that Mom = love and lunch.

We're tiiiiiired.


Carla said...

He is absolutely beautiful! Good work! I can't wait to hold him. Get some rest. Call when you can (I've got my cell with me).


Sarah said...

Woo! Congratulations Daniel and Dana!

Bob Densmore said...

I agree with Carla -- Alexander William Stangel is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations and love to you all. Verva and Bob

Rishi said...

Congratulations to both of you, and a big welcome to Alexander.

Darby said...

Congratulations y'all, and a wave hello to Alexander!

spitgirl said...

Wow! Congratulations! (Sorry I missed the news over the weekend.)

martha said...

He is gorgeous. I'm so happy for you guys!