Saturday, August 11, 2012


Today I had a strange experience. Dana was called in to work on a patent, so I took the kids out for some Saturday activities. First we stopped at Target to pick up Genevieve's new glasses. Her doctor gave us a prescription for the time being, since he doesn't think it is time to operate yet on her cataracts. She picked out a pair of pink glasses last week. As she puts it, "they're pinker than that!"

Then in true weekend-Dad form, we stopped for a donut at Donut Haus in Loveland.

Then it was off to the Bounce! house in Loveland to bounce out that donut energy. This was actually a special treat for Genevieve, because her "star chart" was all filled in. Thanks to some heroic work by Ryanne last week, Genevieve has started using the potty! So G has had this "star chart" for several weeks now. She designed it and it has stars on it that she can color in when she uses the potty. Now finally she had completed it, warranting a special treat.

We have been taking the kids to this Bounce house since Alex was about 1. It is very familiar, and comfortable. But in all that time the kids have wanted us near them, in fact would not bounce without one of us bouncing with them.

Today, however, much to my surprise and amazement, as soon as that had their socks on, Alex and Genevieve were off and bouncing on their own. They were happy to have me around, but now perfectly comfortable on their own. After 4+ years of dependence, the time had finally come for me to sit aside and enjoy a cup of coffee, semi-peacefully, while they played. This, combined with Genna's newfound potty skills, and new glasses, really underscored these changes. They really are growing up.

After the bouncing we trekked a few miles south to Beethoud to have lunch at our old haunt, A&W. Then we took a "Daddy hike" around Berthoud to see what the kids remembered of it. By the time we walked past the old house the kids were clearly tired, and Alex asked, "can't we just stop here at our house now?". I was pleased to note both the Santa Rosa plum and honey crisp apple trees were happy and full of fruit.