Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Halloween!

With apologies for the extended delay...

We had a wonderful Halloween 2014, with Ali, Eric, and Olli coming to visit from Utah for a long, fun-packed weekend!

On Friday the kids' school hosted a Halloween parade, and each class had a Halloween party after lunch.

Genevieve wanted to be a mummy.  Not at all satisfied with the rather poor selection of off-the-shelf mummy costumes, Dana decided to make one for her.  This was a several-hours long labor of love involving several trips to the store and experimentation with gauze, bandages, and finally cheese cloth which seemed to work quite well.  As a backup (not that Genevieve's tastes are even the remotest bit fickle) Dana also found an Egyptian princess costume on clearance for $3 and picked that up too.  Smart move!

Alex decided early on to be a penguin.  I think he was inspired by both Pablo from The Backyardigans, as well as Peso from The Octonauts, two of the kids' favorite cartoons.

Olli, being just 3, had a tough time deciding what to dress up as.  Fortunately he has an awesome Mommy who planned ahead and brought along several different costumes to choose from - among them, firefighter, puppy dog, and pirate guy.  For the first part of the day he chose puppy dog

Then he switched to a pirate.

After the school events, we all went over to work for our annual trick-or-treating, haunted house, and magic photo booth extravaganza.  (However, as with most years lately, we only had time and patience for the trick-or-treating).

Despite many shortcomings of my employer, it is notable that employees still come together to put on this pretty special family event every year.

As if the candy from work wasn't enough, Friday night the kids went out trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.  Kim, Tom, Dean, and Viv came over too.

Yes, those are tiki torches - they were awesome!

On Saturday morning, Ali, Eric, Olli, Alex, and I decided to go camper shopping.  To be fair, Ali and I were probably as enthusiastic as the boys.  Olli and Alex picked out a VERY nice 5th wheel with a "bunk house" in the back that even had its own potty.  Only $85k!

On Saturday afternoon Genevieve attended her Girl Scout Investiture ceremony.  She is now officially a Daisy Scout.

The ceremony included the appropriate amount of chaos for any scouting event involving a few dozen small children, and was very special for all the girls and their families.

After the Girl Scout ceremony, the kids went to Dean's birthday party.  Saturday night we decided to go out to Totally 80s Pizza for dinner.  It is exactly what it sounds like - an 80s-themed pizza restaurant, complete with wall-to-wall memorabilia, non-stop 80s music videos, vintage video games, and what turns out to be pretty darn good pizza, too.

But for me, a big attraction is the nearly-mint 1981 DeLorean parked out front.  Oh yeah, did I mention that I dressed up as Marty McFly this year?

More to come: 
  • Marty Mcfly pics
  • Ali's sewing help
  • hike

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