Sunday, November 11, 2007

Stair Master

Alex has mastered climbing up stairs, as evidenced by the video above. (Hit the "play" icon to watch it). In the course of about 2 weeks he went from tentative wobbly clambering to confident climbing. The next step is teaching him to go down stairs.


Ms. Bulson said...

Holy cow! That is quite a workout for such a little guy!
He looks like even at the top of the full run of stairs, he is ready to cruise... are you having a tough time keeping up with him?
I'm glad to hear that he's still sort of huffy and snuffly - a snuffalufapus?
I can't wait to see him!


Auntie Kimberly said...

What a clever little pirate! He is so cute, I replay all the videos of him and I am curiously compelled to make my coworkers watch too! Alex is the cutest baby EVER!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Time to start putting up the baby gates!!!

Anonymous said...

I was thinkin' the same thing about the baby gates!!
What a little, you yourselves are gonna be on the run. Are you ready for this....zoom zoom
much love and love seeing the (com)motion,
xoxxo, auntie reg

Anonymous said...

this is coooool
auntie reg
I just can't help myself!!! this anon is great

Auntie Kimberly said...

Reg, get an identity, will ya?